Diabetes is a disease in which the body does not secrete the required insulin and does not use the secreted insulin. Insulin helps our body convert glucose into energy.
When that fails to happen, blood sugar levels rise. Swelling (edema) in the legs is caused by excess fluid collection in the legs. Many diabetics have peripheral vascular disease, which can reduce blood flow and cause leg swelling. In addition, leg swelling can occur when there are other diseases.
In particular, heart disease, liver disease, kidney failure, anemia, protein deficiency, thyroid damage, high blood pressure, and side effects of medications can cause leg swelling. People who stand for long periods of time, elderly women and pregnant women can usually develop leg swelling for no reason.
Diabetic patients can follow the following to avoid foot swelling: Keeping the feet elevated above the level of the heart.
This reduces the pressure in the veins and increases blood flow. Exercise: It also increases blood flow and lymph (lymph) flow and reduces inflammation. If you are overweight, you should reduce it.
The amount of salt in the diet should be less than 2000 mg per day. Get your magnesium levels tested. Because sometimes magnesium deficiency can cause leg swelling.
If it is due to the medicines taken for other diseases, consult the doctor and change the medicines. Apart from these, when swelling occurs due to heart disease, liver disease, kidney disease, you should see the relevant medical specialist and take the tablets as per their prescription.
If all of these efforts fail, your doctor may prescribe diuretic pills, which can help remove excess water from the body and reduce swelling.