Know sleep apnea!

Day by day, modernity is increasing.. increasing.. diseases are also increasing. Many kinds of diseases that cannot be understood and cannot enter the mouth have now arrived. Sleep apnea is not such a strange disease. But it is only recently that it has been pronounced more often. Sleep apnea is a breathing disorder that occurs … Read more

Know multiple myeloma

It is said that there are more than 200 types of cancer in general. One such case is multiple myeloma. This multiple myeloma cancer was seen earlier in the age of at least 70 years. Currently found in the 50s. Also, recent studies suggest that one lakh people worldwide are affected by multiple myeloma every … Read more

We know blood cancer!

Blood cancer is called acute myeloid leukemia in the medical world. Its acronym is AML. Acute means causing problems in a short period of time. Chronic means a problem that continues for a long time. Blood is the most important liquid organ in our body. Just like the heart, liver, brain and kidneys are important, … Read more

Last bone and severe pain!

A relative, who works as a teacher, complained of ‘severe pain in her sitting area’ while attending a relative’s wedding. After checking what it was, I found that he had ‘coccidinia’ problem and was suffering for a long time without sufficient awareness about it. He’s not the only one…many of us would have suffered for … Read more

Knee joint pain cause and solution!

All the 206 bones in the human body function with the help of 360 joints. Most joints work by moving. It is with the help of these movable joints that we can perform many tasks. For example, two jaw joints help in chewing food. 32 joints from the shoulder to the fingertips help lift the … Read more


Most people will have experienced a flashback. Some people look for the toilet after eating. This disease develops as diarrhea or constipation with a feeling of cramping or mild abdominal pain, relieved only by eating and defecating. No need to worry if this happens once in a while. If the need to go to the … Read more

How to prevent skin cancer?

Recently a middle-aged man came to me for skin disease. He has had a mole on his thigh for years. So far it hasn’t caused any problems. It has been growing bigger for a few weeks now. Its color has also changed a little. He came to me as a family doctor for that. After … Read more

Benefits of nutritious foods!

To avoid deficiencies or imbalance of hormones in our body, it is very essential to consume a well-balanced diet that contains all nutrients in concentration. Because nutrition is crucial to boost the immune system and give the body the ability it needs to fight infections. As such, eat foods that contain the right combination of … Read more

Thyroid problems and solutions!

Thyroid problems The thyroid is an endocrine gland located in the lower part of the front of the neck. Its main role is to secrete thyroid hormones. This hormone is carried throughout the body through the blood and controls the metabolism of all tissues. Certain parts of the brain and body help the thyroid function … Read more

Problems faced by diabetic patients in winter!

Diabetics should be careful in all weathers. Especially winter can be said to be a challenging season for diabetics. Winter festivals and celebrations can also add to the problems. Blood sugar levels are naturally higher during winter season. Cold temperatures stress the body. This naturally reduces insulin production. And during this season, the release of … Read more